Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday tapi Aduhay (part 2 post di hp)

biar ngerti baca post sebelumnya.

abis mintain es krim, gue ke toko yogya beli minum.
abis gitu pulang.
di mobil gue nyetel iPod gue. pas lewat fly over, lagunya Sunday - Bloc Party.
ini salah satu lagu favorit gue, karena ngingetin gue ke kenangan masa lalu gue.

Heavy night, it was a heavy night
Feels like we've come back from the dead
Heavy night, it was a heavy night
I cannot remember what i said (to anyone)

If we get up now, we can catch the afternoon
Watch the under-fifteens playing football in the park
Let's sleep in St. Leonard's on this alcoholic day
We're doing the best with what we've got

I love you in the morning
When you're still hungover
I love you in the morning
When you're still strung out

I love you in the morning

I work hard all week, and so do you
We deserve to let off some steam
Less orthodox creeping
We need to rage through this life

There might be ones who are smarter than you
That have the right answers, that wear better shoes
Forget about those melting icecaps
We're doing the best with what we've got

I love you in the morning...

When i'm with you, i am calm
A pearl in your oyster
Head on my chest, a silent smile
A private kind of happiness

You see, giant proclamations
Are all very well
But our love is louder than words

When i'm with you...

(i love you in the morning)

beneran deh, ni lagu cocok banget sama kenangan gue.
gue lalu merem buat meresapi liriknya. gue merem.. merenungkan masa lalu gue.
lalu mata gue berair, karena terlalu keras merem sama karena mata gue panas abis nonton lama.
abis gitu gue ketiduran di mobil, tiba2 sampe rumah.
sekarang gue ngantuk banget.

I love you in the morning