Sunday, January 18, 2009


Post pake hp.

Gw selalu membenci hari minggu.
Pertama, karena besoknya sekolah. Kedua, selalu ga ada kerjaan. Ketiga, gw selalu kepanasan di rumah.

Tapi hari ini entah kenapa gw feel good banget. Mungkin karena gw jadi lumayan deket sama target? But, who knows?

Kemaren gw nulis lagu Sooner or Later, hari ini gw nulis lagu baru. Gw menargetkan nulis satu album.
Isi albumnya 8 lagu. Jadi, two out of eight!! :D

Oh ya. Gw tuh bingung banget, kenapa gw selalu disamperin anak kelas 7 ya? Cewe semua lagi. Semuanya juga jadi kenal baik deh. Dulu pernah ngeceng anak kelas 7 tapi udah ga :D

Gw mau promosi ah.
Di album yg lagi gw garap iseng2 ini, album yg berjudul 'Silence Tuesday', yg sama judulnya kayak lagu yg gw tulis hari ini, isinya tentang seorang cowo yang udah lama diem2an sama seorang cewe. Padahal cewenya bilang suka. Dan cowonya juga suka. Itu maksudnya 'Silence'
Trus kenapa 'Tuesday'? Karena gw bikin hari pertama cowo dicuekin si cewe itu selasa.

Silence Tuesday

I always hate Sundays.
Not like the other days.
I don't have it in may way
C'mon, this almost January.

Near the new year, near the new year.
Near the new year, near the new year.

Now it's been three weeks later.
From that twenty ninth December.
The day that I left after.
When I thought it's the best day in my life.

From what you said, 'the first one'
I thought I called up love.
Two days has passed, you've become silent.
I wonder what i've done that time.

Maybe I stepped in wrong floor.
Because of that, we're nothing.
Only silence.
I called up you, but there's never an answer.
Then you said, it's over.

I always hate Sunday.
But now not only that day.
I also hate your day.
Like your name, Tuesday.

I'm messaging you, no answer.
I'm calling you, no answer.
I'm mailing you, no answer.
Where your voice, silent?

I always hate Sunday.
But now not only that day.
I also hate your day.
Like your name, Tuesday.

The last day you spoke to me, Tuesday.
It's your beautiful name, Tuesday.
Two days after Sunday, Tuesday.
It just before new year eve, Tuesday.
Where your voice, silent?

It's become the day I never forgot.
And you're the girl I always remember.
The girl that I hated and loved.

Ga tau mau ngetik apa lagi, dadah.